Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hello friends! Chris and I thought that the easiest way to make sure that our family and friends that don't live close by can keep up with what's going on in my pregnancy and with our baby when he or she finally comes would be through a blog so here ya go! I have attached a post below that I put on my old blog when I was almost 12 weeks along. I DO have some new pics and info to add and I hope to do so soon. Welcome to the Kauffman Family Blog! :) 


Okay so I know you can't really tell too much maybe, but I can. :) (and I'm not even poochin' it out in that pic).
Here is my question tho....How can my tummy be getting bigger and I STILL haven't gained any weight?? I guess they say that's normal but I just don't get it. Weird. 
Anyway, this is about 11 and 1/2 weeks along. Made it to 3 months! 
I went to the Dr. this last week cause of some weird pain I was having. They wanted to see if I had a bladder infection which it doesn't look like I do and I'm not really having any problems anymore so hopefully that was that. The cool thing was they did an unscheduled ultrasound just to be sure everything was ok with the baby and I got to see it move! That may not be a big deal to all of you who have seen that lots of times but I wasn't expecting it and it was so cool. I asked the tech. if she was doing that (haha) and she said no it was the baby. It did not apparently want its heart rate checked because it would turn away and face its back to us every time she tried to get it. Eventually, we got some cooperation tho and everything looked good. We have 2 arms and 2 legs, haha, so thats nice to know. :)  
6 more months...this takes forever. ;) It is nice to start noticing some changes though. 

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